Bullard Mission House & Mission Clinic

We have been awarded a grant from the East Texas Food Bank in the amount of $10,000.00 to expand the front of our Mission House to give cover and seating to our clients.

But we have to match the funds in order to receive the grant.  Please designate your online donation for “Building Expansion” using the “Write a Note” option. Thank you!

Who We Are

We are a community supported Christian ministry that helps to meet the physical needs of our neighbors in Bullard, Texas.  We also welcome our brothers and sisters from outside the Bullard area.

Mission Clinic

We provide primary medical services to anyone who does not have health insurance.

Open Monday-Thursday

Food Pantry

We distribute food to residents within a specific region who would otherwise go hungry.

Open 3rd & 4th Wednesdays

Clothes Closet

We store and distribute clothing donations from our neighbors in Bullard, Texas.

Open 3rd & 4th Wednesdays

Built & Supported by the Community

Staffed by Volunteers

100% of our staff members are unpaid volunteers.

We are always needing volunteers who are willing and able to help us deliver our services to the community.

Bullard Mission House & Mission Clinic

226 S. Phillips St.
Bullard, TX 75757

(903) 894-0109